St Joseph by-the-Sea Track & Field  

1/30 - 102nd Millrose Games - Madison Square Garden
Close to 150 of the Viking faithful make it to the garden including numerous alumni.  A medical issue put us out of it on the lead-off
leg and the team found the going tough to get back into the race.  A valiant effort which in no way dampens the tremendous effort
and honor that it was to get to the garden. 


George T. Eastment CHSAA 4x800  Sea Millrose History @ MSG
Sean O'Shaughnessy     - 2:06.6 2009 - 8:21.26 FAT      6th Place
Nick Italiano                  - 2:04.9 2008 - 8:22.61 FAT      6th Place
Daniel Zaccariello          - 2:01.8 1998 - 8:16.20 FAT      2nd Place
Mike Baio                      - 2:07.9 1997 - 8:26.38 FAT      5th Place
                                          8:21.1 1995 - 8:24.58 FAT      6th Place
                         8:21.26 FAT  6th 1992 - 8:13.39 FAT      3rd Place