St Joseph by-the-Sea Track & Field    

12/8 - CHSAA Relay Carnival - Armory
A young (45 frosh/soph) Viking Track & Field squad kicks off the 2012-2013 season. The frosh 4x200 of Joe Somma, Rob Guidicipietro,
Daniel Pucciarelli and a big leg by Mike Fidanza earn third place medals. The sub-midget 4x200 relay earn 4th place bronze medals - Rocco
Rago, Daniel Rosenbauer, Jamie Bavaro and Michael DiBiase. The all freshmen junior midget 4x800 relay of Rob Guidicipietro, Rob
Ruspantini, Mike Cardona and Joe Cardona earn 5th place medals. Soph Miguel Fernadez breaks 25 secs. Rosie breaks 55 secs. Lots of
nice times recorded by the frosh/soph athletes.

Varsity 4x800 "A" Soph 4x200 "A" Frosh 55 HH
Mondello 2:04.9  PR Chirelli 26.6 DiBiase 10.7  PR
Tirro 2:07.9 Fernandez 26.1 Ruspantini 11.1  PR
D'Addesa 2:11.6 Claro 30.4 - Fell Amitrano 12.7  PR
Ceciliani 2:13.1 Pollio 27.6 Rago 13.1
8:36.8 1:50.5
Frosh 4x200 "A"
Varsity 4x800 "B" Soph 4x200 "B" Somma 27.9
Acerra 2:09.1  PR O'Keefe 29.0 Guidicipietro 28.9
Claro 2:23.3 Proscia 27.9  PR Pucciarelli 29.1
DeLeo 2:14.4 Geoghegan 28.9 Fidanza 27.3  PR
Costagliola 2:40.0 Rizzo 29.9 * 3rd Place * 1:53.3
9:26.6 1:55.5
Frosh 4x200 "B"
Junior 4x800 Soph 4x200 "C" Cardona, J 29.8  PR
Guidicipietro 2:36.9  PR Rosenbauer, D 30.1 Hausler 28.6  PR
Ruspantini 2:30.2  PR Nishimwe 30.0 Rivera 29.9  PR
Cardona, M 2:47.0  PR Cirrone 29.1  PR Bavaro 31.5  PR
Cardona, J 2:43.4  PR McNamara 36.1 1:59.7
* 5th Place * 10:36.7 2:05.4
Frosh 4x200 "C"
Sub-Midget 4x200 "A" Varsity 4x200 "A" Esposito 29.8  PR
Camporeale 27.9 Chirelli 26.2 Walsh 30.6  PR
Teutonico 29.6 Fernandez 24.9  PR Spinelli 30.6  PR
Esposito 36.6 - Fell DeLeo 25.8 Ruszkowski 31.3  PR
Amitrano 31.5 Rosenbauer 24.3  PR 2:02.1
2:05.5 1:41.4
Frosh 4x200 "D"
Sub-Midget 4x200 "B" Varsity 4x200 "B" Cambio 31.5  PR
Rago 30.3  PR DiSchiavi 25.8  PR Ognibene 33.3  PR
Rosenbauer, D 29.1  PR Costagliola 30.2 Antonucci 32.3  PR
Bavaro 31.8  PR Cirrone 29.2  PR McNamara 35.2  PR
DiBiase 29.4  PR Nishimwe 30.3 2:12.3
* 4th Place * 2:00.8 1:55.4
Varsity SMR "A"
Midget 4x200 "A" SHR Rosenbauer 54.6  PR
Cardella 27.4 Gargiso 8.3 Blanda 23.5
Geoghegan 28.2 Logan 8.3 Ceciliani 25.6
Velez, N 39.3 Geoghegan 9.5 Gargiso 2:26.2  PR
Proscia 33.2 26.0 4:10.0
1:58.1 -DQ
Long Jump Varsity SMR "B"
Junior 4x200 "A" Rosenbauer 15'-11" Tirro 56.2  PR
DiSchiavi 26.9 Velez, N 13'-11" D'Addesa 25.9
Somma 27.9 Blanda F Cardella 26.4
Hausler 30.6 DiSchiavi 2:30.0  PR
Pucciarelli 29.0 Frosh High Jump 4:18.4
1:54.0 Teutonico 4'-4"  PR
Varsity SMR "C"
Junior 4x200 "B" Frosh Pole Vault Mondello 57.9
Cambio 32.1 Rivera 6'-0"  PR Logan 26.4  PR
Walsh 30.8 Acerra 26.6  PR
Ruszkowski 34.1 JV Pole Vault Claro 2:27.3
Antonucci 33.1 Rizzo 8'-0"  PR 4:17.9
Varsity Shot Put Soph Shot Put
Frosh Shot Put Prato 35'-0" Prato 36'-11"
Koritor 22'-3"  PR Moribelli 29'-0"  PR
Ognibene 21'-10"  PR